Select cohort:
* must provide value
(Cohort 9) 2021-2022
Current date:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y (M-D-Y)
Choose the primary PRIDE program to which you will apply:
CVD, RISE, FOCUS, and OHD are full and no longer accepting pre-applications. If you wish to apply next year email your information to
There is a rolling deadline for pre-applications. However, pre-applications received before March 31, 2021 will be prioritized.
* must provide value
Advanced Respiratory Research for Equity (AIRE)
Behavioral and Sleep Medicine (BSM)
Cardiovascular Disease Comorbidities, Genetics, and Epidemiology (CVD-CGE)
Cardiovascular Health-Related Research (CVD)
Future Faculty of Cardiovascular Sciences (FOCUS)
Functional and Translational Genomics of Blood Disorders (FTG)
Impact of Ancestry and Gender On Omics of Lung Diseases (AGOLD)
Obesity Health Disparities (OHD)
Research in Implementation Science for Equity (RISE)
Choose any other PRIDE program(s) in which you are interested. (Check all that apply.)
Dr. Mr. Mrs. Ms.
First name:
* must provide value
Last name, family name, or surname:
* must provide value
Other names under which you have published:
(lastname, firstname middlename; example: Kennedy, John Fitzgerald)
Home street address (1):
* must provide value
* must provide value
Zip code:
* must provide value
Cell phone:
* must provide value
Do you have a LinkedIn Account?
* must provide value
If so, what is your account name?
What is your sex?
* must provide value
* must provide value
U.S. Citizen Permanent Resident Other (specify)
Specify other:
* must provide value
Do you consider yourself Hispanic / Latin(o/a)?
* must provide value
Don't know
Which of the following represent your Hispanic origin or ancestry?
(Check all that apply.)
* must provide value
What race do you consider yourself to be?
(Check all that apply.)
* must provide value
Which Native Hawaiian and / or Pacific Islander group?
(Check all that apply.)
* must provide value
Specify other:
* must provide value
Which Asian group?
(Check all that apply.)
* must provide value
Specify other:
* must provide value
Do you have a disability?
* must provide value
I have disability
I don't have disability
Which disability do you have?
(Check all that apply.)
* must provide value
Specify other:
* must provide value
If special accommodations are required, please specify:
Do you come from a disadvantaged background?
* must provide value
To qualify as
disadvantaged you must meet two or more of the following criteria. (Check all that apply)
* must provide value
Justification of disadvantaged status:
If you wish to attach a statement below please write N/A in the text box here.
* must provide value
You may upload a statement on why you qualify for disadvantaged status here:
Institution of PRIMARY faculty appointment:
* must provide value
PRIMARY department:
* must provide value
What is your PRIMARY faculty rank?
* must provide value
Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Transitioning Post-Doctoral Trainee Research Scientist Adjunct Professor None of the above
Specify other:
* must provide value
You must have a faculty-level appointment PRIOR TO the start of the Summer Institute Program (June - August; dates vary by program) to be eligible for the PRIDE Programs. Your Department Chair will be asked to provide a letter documenting your appointment.
Will / Do you have a faculty appointment prior to the Summer Institute?
* must provide value
Date of PRIMARY faculty appointment:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y (M-D-Y)
Institutional street address (1):
* must provide value
Institutional street address (2):
* must provide value
Zip code:
* must provide value
Institutional email address:
* must provide value
Do you have an Administrative Assistant?
* must provide value
Administrative Asst. name:
Administrative Asst. phone:
Administrative Asst. email address:
Have you ever been supported on a research grant?
* must provide value
If Yes, specify funding entity and type of grant:
* must provide value
Grant mechanism:
* must provide value
Grant # for R01:
* must provide value
Specify other R-type grant mechanism (e.g., R21, R25, etc.):
* must provide value
Grant # for other R-type grant mechanism:
* must provide value
Specify other program grant mechanism (e.g., P30, U01, etc.):
* must provide value
Grant # for other program grant mechanism:
* must provide value
Specify other grant mechanism:
* must provide value
Grant # for other grant mechanism:
* must provide value
Are you CURRENTLY funded on a K Award?
* must provide value
Grant type:
* must provide value
Grant #
* must provide value
Start date (mm):
* must provide value
Start date (yyyy):
* must provide value
End date (mm):
* must provide value
End date (yyyy):
* must provide value
Are you CURRENTLY funded on any other training grant or career development award (R25, T32)?
* must provide value
Grant type:
* must provide value
Grant #
* must provide value
Start date (mm):
* must provide value
Start date (yyyy):
* must provide value
End date (mm):
* must provide value
End date (yyyy):
* must provide value
Do you have an NIH grant application CURRENTLY pending?
* must provide value
Grant Type:
* must provide value
Project start date:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Anticipated Notice of Award date:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Do you have an eRA Commons username?
* must provide value
eRA Commons username:
* must provide value
Research field - Type of Research:
(Check all that apply.)
Specify other:
* must provide value
Research field - Topics of Interest:
(Check all that apply.)
* must provide value
This PRIDE Training Program is funded by NHLBI. Your research field must be related to Heart, Lung, Blood or Sleep Disorders.
Please provide a brief description of your current and future research interests, and how this program can facilitate your research study. (Space limit of 5,000 characters)
* must provide value
PRIDE will offer an opportunity to compete for Small Research Projects (SRP) acting as pilot grants to generate preliminary data for developing NHLBI grant applications. Please give a brief overview of your research plans to take advantage of this opportunity. Describe how your SRP will incorporate the NHLBI research focus on heart, lung, blood, or sleep disorders. (Space limit of 5,000 characters)
* must provide value
Highest degree earned:
* must provide value
Medical (e.g., MD, DO, etc.) Nonmedical Doctorate (e.g., PhD, ScD, etc.) Combined MD / PhD Other (specify)
Specify other:
* must provide value
Preferred Credentials
e.g., Jane Smith, PhD, RN
* must provide value
Year highest degree awarded (yyyy):
* must provide value
Please name file as shown below:
Last name followed by First Initial [no spaces]_file name_yyyy-mm-dd
Examples ...
George Washington's CV:
Abraham Lincoln's Biosketch:
Attach your Curriculum Vita in pdf form to your application by clicking Upload document at right:
* must provide value
If you have a Biosketch (not required) , please upload your most recent version in pdf form by clicking Upload document at right:
If you don't have a Biosketch and would like to create one , please use the template for new format found in this
NIH link .
Your optional Biosketch may be sent later to the PRIDE CC
Please tell us how you learned about the PRIDE Summer Institute Program?
* must provide value
Previous PRIDE or SIPID Scholar Department Chair Advisor Colleague Email Advertisement Brochure Flyer or Poster NHLBI Website Other Website Local Specialty Society Meeting National Specialty Society Meeting Word of Mouth LinkedIn / Facebook Direct Mailing Other
Please describe your referral source in more detail:
Name of previous PRIDE or SIPID Scholar
Submission of this form allows the PRIDE CC to contact you for additional information regarding your application and career development.
When you are ready, click the Submit button below to send us your pre-application.
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