This intake form is used to obtain departmental approval for IRB submissions and/or get assistance with study planning and grant submissions.

This form is NOT for Data Service Requests; those can be submitted at:


A few notes to guide you:

  • Study planning/grant planning intakes: Include a basic research plan outlining study aims, and preliminary recruitment/data collection logistics. A 'one-pager' that succinctly summarizes the plan in lay language is ideal.
  • IRB approval intakes
    • You should already have a draft protocol created in the myIRB system, with as many details as possible filled in. DO NOT SUBMIT THIS INTAKE until you have initiated a draft.
    • If you feel you need more guidance before initiating an IRB protocol, you can submit this intake under the "Other (study consult)" category.
    • You should not submit an IRB intake until you have secured funding (internal or external) - or if you received a JIT request.
  • Important: Due to the volume of intakes we receive, we prioritize grant proposals and IRB submissions for FUNDED projects over unfunded projects.  If you have a hard deadline for an unfunded project, please explain details in a the notes box.

Questions can be directed to: 

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