We are focused on improving health in our communities by listening and responding to individuals with diverse lived experiences. Lived experiences include things like health conditions, your age, race or ethnicity, social or professional identity, and/or neighborhood involvement.

We ask individuals in our St. Louis and rural Missouri communities to serve as Community Health Consultants based on their lived experiences. These paid roles vary in structure and time commitment. For example, one opportunity may be for a one-time 90-minute virtual meeting to provide a health researcher with feedback; another may be a 2-year advisory group that meets a few times a year. Each role is rooted in making sure community voice is elevated, heard and respected.

The information requested in this form will be kept secure and will not be shared directly with researchers or anyone outside of our Center.

By completing this form I understand that the information I provide about me will be kept confidential and is not being collected for research purposes. Please note: WU employees are not currently eligible to participate as community health consultants.

Thank you for your commitment to the health of individuals in our community.

Please contact Hilary Broughton, hilary.broughton@wustl.edu if you have any questions.

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